CMT Newsletter May 2019
/President: James Boudreau
Director (Secretary): Howard Nason
Directors: Brookes Harrow, Harvey Tavener, Rob Gillespie, Director (Past President): Andy Love
Hello CMT Members: This is my return as editor of your newsletter:”THE CHINOOK SIDING”. Lots of stuff going on so let’s get started.
Recent April elections led to the results listed above.
SEPTEMBER 14-15, 2019: Greater Edmonton Model Train Show
May 29-June 2, 2019: THE KOOTENAY EXPRESS 2019, hosted by the 6th and 7th Divisions of the PNR in
Cranbrook, B.C
May 16-18, 2020: 6TH Division Spring Meet, Camrose, Alberta
CMRS Bus Trip The board is entertaining the thought of another bus trip west on the week-end of September 20th to 22nd, 2019 (hopefully we can get past Three Valley Gap this time!). A tentative agenda would be; Sept. 20th; Calgary to Three Valley Gap for overnight stay. Sept. 21st; Three Valley Gap to Kelowna and a ride on the Kettle Valley Railroad at 1:30. Then on to a wine tour for the rest of the day. Sept. 22nd, Return to Calgary with stops of interest along the way. Cost will depend on how many are going and will include meals and lodging as required and any tours. Based on the tour of two years ago the estimated cost would be on the order of $280 - 350 per person double occupancy, plus GST. Bain Spielman (Railfan Events)
Kootenay Express 2019: You can still advance register for the upcoming NMRA – Pacific Northwest Region Annual Convention to be held in Cranbrook BC at the end of May. Along with layout tours, clinics, a train show, model and photography contests, a banquet, and full access to the Canadian Museum of Rail Travel, there are three prototype tours lined up. If you have ever wanted to see what goes on inside a modern sawmill, you can sign up for the tour of the Canfor Forest Products mill in Radium. A unique tour is the Down n’ Dirty tour at the Cranbrook Museum, allowing you to crawl all over, under, and through the passenger cars on display, so you can get photos and measurements of anything you might want to model. There is also a tour of the Sullivan Mine and Powerhouse in Kimberly available. If you are not already a member of the NMRA, for only $20 you can join through the Rail Pass program, which gives you full access to all NMRA benefits and programs for 6 months. This would also allow you the opportunity to attend the NMRA National Convention in Salt Lake City in July. The convention runs from May 29 through June 2 at the Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort in downtown Cranbrook. Visit the website to get all the latest information. Rob Badmington
CMRS 25th Anniversary Diorama Challenge
25th Anniversary Diorama Challenge In honour of the CMRS 25th anniversary, we are going to have a diorama challenge for the Fall mini-meet. The challenge is to build something, anything, within a square that is 25 cm by 25 cm (9 7/8 inches square but I am sure we won't notice if it is 10” square!). Any scale, any subject matter, the only restriction is that it has to fit into that 25 cm square, it can go up as high as you want. There will be a popular vote and the winner will receive a $25 gift certificate at a hobby shop of their choice. Start thinking of what you might build, if you build in Z scale you could build a whole layout, in G scale maybe only one figure would fit!